Sunday, 6 April 2014

JNTU-HYD : B.Tech 1,2,3,4 Years (I,II Sem) Mid Exams Bit Papers/Questions Papers

1st Year MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers
Note : If u are preparing for I Mid* exams then go through all the year's/semester's (Example : 2-1,2-2,3-1,3-2,4-1,4-2) I Mid* Bit Papers because few subjects are common for few branches in all the 3 years/6 semester's & Also as the regulation changes few subjects of one regulation may be shifted to other years/semesters.
* = Same for II MID exams even

2-1 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers

2-2 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers
3-1 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers

3-2 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers

4-1 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers

4-2 Semester MID Exams Bit Papers/Question Papers

1 comment:

  1. there are no bis to study exams are approaching i am btech 3rd year jntuh
